Because I felt like creating one.
Just me?
Published on September 19, 2008 By Kitkun In Forum Issues

Some really long threads seem to cause the forum to just cut off.


on Sep 19, 2008

I can see the entirety of the thread in IE7. Conversly we've had similar type issues with IE7 when people have posted MS Word generated posts containing bad html. With IE7 I've gotten exactly the same thing as shown in your screenshot.

I'm assuming that you're using a different browser since IE7 doesn't seem to be the problem in this case.

on Sep 19, 2008

This is actually a bug with firefox. It's been in their reporting system for a few versions now. After a certain number of pixels, they cease rendering of an element. Conversely it effects elements 'under' the problem element. I would have thought that they would have fixed this for version 3 but I guess they didnt. When I get a moment I'll try to find a link to the BugZilla entry if youre interested in reading it.

on Sep 19, 2008


I actually posted there a year ago, but the devs don't particularly seem interested. 3.0 came and went, and now people are praying for 3.1. Who knows, maybe the flood of dupes and testcases will wake them up.

on Sep 19, 2008

THANK you. I've been looking for that bug entry all morning.

on Sep 19, 2008

I'll bug them then.


on Sep 19, 2008

you sure it's not just a problem with someone wearing an extra long pair of pants (you know , past the heel of your shoe, and the cuff at the end of the pant leg gets all ripped & distressed...),

- sorry I couldn't resist