Over the years, some games just stick out from the crowd. Not because of a great story or innovative gameplay, but just because they have this certain style that nothing else does. My question is this: Which games would you pick?
My choices:
The Legend of Zelda series: Dueling Skeletons, traveling underwater temples, or fighting from horseback, these games never cease to feel like an epic journey.
Okami: Unique art, gameplay, music and more, this game is one of the very few I was sad to finish simply because I wanted to keep going.
The first two Command and Conquer games: Oh, come on. These games have more style in their installation than most games in their entirety. From the FMV and CG cutscenes, to the in-game art, voices, and varied units, to the awesome soundtrack, everything just fits in these games. To a lesser extant, the next three also had great style.