Because I felt like creating one.
What would you like to do?
Published on March 3, 2011 By Kitkun In Sins Modding

A list of some things I'd like to see for modding so that the devs can tell me I have my head in the clouds:

Different 'armor' types for shields and hull.

Ability to define some currently harcoded elements such as armortypes and other elements.

numArmorTypes 1

ArmorType "Light"

MaxShipLevel 10

MaxAbilityLevel 3

MaxWeaponBanks 3


Ability to define firing angles (And stats?) for each weapon point.

Make it so Boolean modifiers can be based on ability/research level instead of just "yes/no"

Make it so research and abilities can have a manual 'target' list by entity file names as well as gravity well types, etc.

        numOwnerships 1
        ownership "Friendly"
        numObjects 0
        numSpaces 1
        space "Normal"
        numConstraints 0
        numGravWellTypes 2
        gravwelltype "Planet"
        gravwelltype "Asteroid"
        numManualEntity 1

Make it so that each spawnable entity can have a max spawned limit.

Make it so that the number of a certain strikecraft type a ship can have can be limited.

Give each movable entity a 'canPhaseJump TRUE/FALSE' flag along with corresponding research/buff to change.

Make it so buff types and research are more versatile. Example: Instead of 'StealAntimatter', just 'Steal' and definable of what to steal.

Give each ability and research a 'ShareWithAlly TRUE/FALSE' flag as well as a corresponding research/buff to change.

Make it so research/abilties/bufftypes can have other prerequisites such as 'x of a certain entity' or 'hasPeaceTreaty with this player'

Make many, many more variable get research/bufftypes. Cost to buy capital ship level, etc.


Anybody else?


Comments (Page 4)
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on Sep 19, 2011

That's good to know.  Do any ships in SOGE use this for ion cannons?

At the moment, no. Though, after 2.0E is out, there's plans to redo the stats of most of the ships in order to accommodate ion cannons. The reason it hasn't been done yet is that this will pretty much turn the entire mod atop it's head. I'm also thinking, as an additional passive ability, to add in a bit that if the shields of an enemy's ship is down, for the ion cannons to have a high, or guaranteed, chance of partially weakening a ship, like the ion abilities already ingame, but far weaker. However, the upside of this is that these bits will pile up with multiple ships, and can possibly mean the end of a ship.

on Sep 19, 2011


At the moment, no. Though, after 2.0E is out, there's plans to redo the stats of most of the ships in order to accommodate ion cannons. The reason it hasn't been done yet is that this will pretty much turn the entire mod atop it's head. I'm also thinking, as an additional passive ability, to add in a bit that if the shields of an enemy's ship is down, for the ion cannons to have a high, or guaranteed, chance of partially weakening a ship, like the ion abilities already ingame, but far weaker. However, the upside of this is that these bits will pile up with multiple ships, and can possibly mean the end of a ship.

I've also wanted to do such a passive ability, but the problem is I'm not sure if there is a sure fire way to only apply a buff when shields are down. Indeed, if Sins shield regeneration is constant instead of per second the only time shields are completely down is immediately after a normal weapon hits.

on Sep 19, 2011

From my understanding normal shield recharge adds shield points every few seconds in a lump sum, not constantly.  Abilities that restore shields apply every half-second from what I've seen.

on Sep 19, 2011

I've also wanted to do such a passive ability, but the problem is I'm not sure if there is a sure fire way to only apply a buff when shields are down. Indeed, if Sins shield regeneration is constant instead of per second the only time shields are completely down is immediately after a normal weapon hits.

There is an if shields are down finish condition, ShieldFailure. So it'll have to use that... I imagine it'd have to make use of a "check" buff, that is the weapon sees if the shields are up once it hits, and if so, apply the ion thing. I'll admit I'm not entirely sure how to work this out, but it's a start. Edit:

From my understanding normal shield recharge adds shield points every few seconds in a lump sum, not constantly.

This is true, the devs did this in order to discourage focusing fire.


on Sep 20, 2011


I've also wanted to do such a passive ability, but the problem is I'm not sure if there is a sure fire way to only apply a buff when shields are down. Indeed, if Sins shield regeneration is constant instead of per second the only time shields are completely down is immediately after a normal weapon hits.

Oh yes there is.  I've done it.  It's a rather complex buff, but I've done it.

on Sep 20, 2011

Oh yes there is.  I've done it.  It's a rather complex buff, but I've done it.

Before I go about taking a stab at this, may I have permission to use parts of the Grey Goo in order to get this ability coded? You of course will be credited accordingly.

on Sep 21, 2011



The ability infects only those ships whose shields are down.  It spreads to other ships without shields.  When the ship dies, it spreads to ships in a larger radius, regardless of whether or not they have shields and it also spawns a nano cloud (but since I fail at importing models, I just used the TEC missile turret).

With a buff that overly complex, I figured a little explanation might help lol.

on Sep 21, 2011

So I noticed, it's one heck of an ability that's for sure.

Main bit is the shields down part; in a nutshell I'm hoping to work that into a passive ability that's linked to Ion an weapontype that fires, and after some complex thing that checks if shields are down, applies a buff.

on Sep 21, 2011

Probably what you'll want to do is on BuffGreyGooTarget, replace the BuffGreyGoo on the ABTS with your buff.  IIRC, you'll need BuffGreyGooShield, BuffGreyGooTarget, BuffGreyGooImmunity, and your buff, but I haven't looked at it in a while, so I may be mistaken.  Look for the Darkness Mod.  That's what I made it for and there's a detailed explanation of the files in there.

on Sep 22, 2011

Found something else that would be nice. Order delay. So that once an order is given, it can take more or less time for a unit to actually follow that order. This would be IMMENSILY helpful for some of the stuff I'm modding in, as well as be good for a jamming ability.

on Sep 22, 2011

Found something else that would be nice. Order delay. So that once an order is given, it can take more or less time for a unit to actually follow that order. This would be IMMENSILY helpful for some of the stuff I'm modding in, as well as be good for a jamming ability.

You're looking for the instantActionTriggerType "OnDelay". Link.

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